Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats
est. 2009
ADGA Genetic's page
Pippin Hill C Filigree 3*M
LA 2019 VEEE 90 Sold
thank you KT
Sire: Capriola WS Corbin
SS: Castle Rock Woodstock *B
SD: Camanna TI Claribelle
Dam: Pippin Hill MB My Pearl 2*M
DS: Camanna MR Bennet +B
DD: SLR Minis A Manhatten 1*M

Filigree's page
ADGA Genetic's page
SG Pippin Hill HT That's Amore 3*M
LA 2019 VEEV 88
Sire: Elfin Acres F Highland Thistle VEE 89
SS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio EEE 91
SD: The Lilac Twinkletoes 1*M EEEV 91
Dam: Pippin Hill T Amaretto 2*M
DS: Diji Farm CR Torgiano
DD: North Fork Lady Bug O Sandy 1*M

Amore's page
Amore will be bred to Chancy for spring '23 kids
SG Pippin Hill DB Allegretto 4*M
LA 2021 VEEE 90
Sire: Castle Rock cs Oh Danny Boy +*B
SS: SG Castle Rock Clevland Sage++ *B
SD: SGCH Castle Rock Annika 2*M
Dam: Pippin Hill MB Bellissima 3*M VEEV89
DS: Camanna MR. Bennet +B VEE 88
DD: Pippin Hill T Amaretto 2*M VEV+ 86
Gretta's page

Greta is bred to Frost for March kids
Pippin Hill CA Irish Accent 3 *M
LA 2021 VVEV 86
Sire: Pippin Hill MB Captain America VVV 88
SS: Camanna MR. Bennet VEE 88
SD:Trinity Ridge RT Sassafras 1*M VEEE 91
Dam: Pippin Hill DB Irish Kiss 2*M VEEE 90
DS: Castle Rock CS Oh Danny Boy +*B
DD: Camanna Tc Lyrical Lilly 1*M VEEV 88

Accent's page
ADGA link
Pippin Hill DB Shamrock 1*M
LA 2021 VEEE 90 Sold
thank you KT
Sire : Castle Rock CS Oh Danny Boy +*B
SS: Castle Rock Cleveland Sage ++ *B
SD: SGCH Castle Rock Annika 2*M
Dam: Pippin Hill MB Moonflower
DS: Camanna MR. Bennet +B VEE 88
DD: Pippin Hill T Edelwweiss 2*M VEVV 87

Shamrock's page
Pippin Hill BJ I Love Lucy 4*M
LA 2021 VVEV 87
Sire : Elfin Acres B Black Jack +*B VVE 87
SS: SGCH Elfin Acres CP Briar *B VEE 90
SD: Odeon RSP Madeline 3*M VEEE 90
Dam: SG Pippin Hill HT That's Amore 3*M VEEV 88
DS: SG Elfin Acres F Highland Thistle +*B VEE 89
DD: Pippin Hill T Amaretto 2*M VEV+ 86
ADGA link
Springwater JT Pied Piper 5*M
LA 2021 +VEE87 for sale 550
Sire: FMG PGAC Courting Jailtime +*B +VV 84
SS: Poppy Patch Guilty As Charged +VV 85
SD: Sage-Acres BF Kourtney K 2*M VEEE 90
Dam: SG Springwater SMKY Chocolate Pie 4*M +VV+ 84 Elite Doe
DS: Springwater HKY Pack A Day *B +EE 87
DD: SGCH FMG DB&R Easy As Pie 3*M VEEE 90

Piper is still in milk
Pippin Hill HB Gold Locket 4 *M
LA 2021 VVEE 89 sold
Sire: Diji Farm BW Hudson Bay *B
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch *B
SD: Diji Farm WL Snow White 1*M
Dam: Pippin Hill C Filigree 3*M VEVE 90
DS: Capriola WS Corban
DD: Pippin Hill MB My Pearl 2*M
+VV+ 85

Locket is sold
Pippin Hill TM Holly Wood 3*M
LA 2021 VEVV 88 For Sale 550
Sire: Pippin Hill SS Tramonto *B
SS: Castle Rock Sunset *B EEE 91
SD: Pippin Hill T Amaretto 2*M
Dam: Pippin Hill S California Poppy 2*M VVVE 87
DS: Castle Rock Sunset +*B EEE 91
DD: SG Pippin Hill FC Pointsetta 1*M VEEE 90

Holly is for sale
DOB 3-31-19
Pippin Hill CC Lola 4*M
LA 2021 A+++ 81(ff)
For Sale 500
Sire: Redstone Cosmic Charlie *B
SS: Redstone Pony Boy*B
SD: SG Redstone SF Dark Star 4*M VEEE 92
Dam: Pippin Hill MB Milly 3M VEEV 89
DS:Cammana MR. Bennet +B VEE 88
DD: SG Blythmoor Sangria 2*M VEVE 89

Lola's page
Lola is still in milk