Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats
est. 2009
2nd Fresheners 2023
DOB 3-14-20
Pippin Hill Gold Charm
for Sale 550
Sire: Pippin Hill CC Golden Touch *B
SS SG Redstone Cosmic Charlie *B
SD: Pippin Hill C Filigree 3*M VEVE 90
Dam: Pippin Hill HB Gold Locket 4*M VVEE89
DS: Diji Farm Hudson Bay *B
DD: Pippin Hill C Filigree 3*M VEVE 90

Charm's page
Bred to Chancy for March kids
DOB 3-08-20
Pippin Hill CC Crescendo
Sire: Redstone Cosmic Charlie *B
SS: Redstone Pony Boy *B
SD: SG Redstone SF Dark Star 4*M
VEEE 92 Elite Doe
Dam: SG Pippin Hill DB Allegretto 4*M VEEE 90
DS: Castle Rock CS Oh Danny Boy *B
DD: Pippin Hill MB Bellissima 3*M

DOB 4-30-20
Pippin Hill JA Love Letter 4*M
(pending ADGA)
Sire: Springwater BL JohnnyAppleseed *B
SS: Pholia Farm RD La Brea Legend*B
SD:SG Springwater AL Apricot Nectar 2*M VEE 88 Elite Doe
Dam: SG Pippin Hill HT That's Amore 3*M VEEV 88
DS: SG Elfin Acres F Highland Thistle +*B
VEE 89 Elite Buck
DD: Pippin Hill T Amaretto 2*M VEV+ 86

bred to Rudy for May of '23 kids
Letter's page
DOB 5-16-20
moon spots and blue eyes
for sale 550
Pippin Hill JA Hallelujah 2*M
(pending ADGA)
Sire: Springwater BL JohnnyAppleseed *B
SS: Pholia Farm RD La Brea Legend*B
SD:SG Springwater AL Apricot Nectar 2*M VEE 88 Elite Doe
Dam: Pippin Hill MB Milly 3*M VEEV 89
DS: Camanna MR Bennet +B VEE 88
DD: SG Blythmoor Sangria 2*M VEVE 89

bred to Hero for May '23 kids
Lulah's page
DOB 3-30-20
Pippin Hill JA Apple Blossom 3*M AKA "Pink"
Sire: Springwater BL JohnnyAppleseed *B
SS: Pholia Farm RD La Brea Legend *B
SD: SG Springwater AL Apricot Nectar 2*M VVEE 88 Elite doe
Dam: Pippin Hill S California Poppy 2*M VVVE 87
DS: Castle Rock Sunset +*B EEE 91
DD: SG Pippin Hill FC Pointsetta 1*M VEEE 90

DOB 6-14-20
Pippin Hill SOH Irish Gypsy For Sale 450
sale pending
Sire: Redstone Sleight Of Hand *B
SS: Redstone Pony Boy *B
SD: Redstone Dem Bones 6*M +VE+
Dam: Pippin Hill CA Irish Accent 3*M +VA+
DS: Pippin MB Captain America *B VVV 88
DD: Pippin Hill DB Irish Kiss 2*M VEEE 90

Gypsy's page
DOB 4-03-20
Pippin Hill JA SugarThyme
For Sale 450 sale pending
Sire: Springwater BL JohnnyAppleseed *B
SS: Pholia Farm RD La Brea Legend *B
SD: SG Springwater AL Apricot Nectar 2*M VVEE 88 Elite doe
Dam:Pippin Hill BJ MyOwnSweeThyme 1*M
DS: Elfin Acres B Black Jack +*B VVE 87
DD:Blythmoor A Thyme To Remember
LA +VEE 87

Sugar's page