Pippin Hill P Gold Hoops
dob 4/4/2022
Hoops is a Filigree daughter by Pirate. The plan is to breed her to Frost this fall and get a peak at what Pirate can do in the production department.
I love her wide level rump and tight shoulders!

Pippin Hill P Fantasia
dob 4/29/2022
This girl is a daughter of Crescendo and Pirate. Her teat size and placement have me really excited to see her freshen, but I will have to wait till next fall to breed her.

Pippin Hill NBC Golden Era
This is the Charm and Chancy daughter who took first place in La Grande in a very large competitive class. She will be bred to Frost this fall for spring kids.

Pippin Hill ROA Northern Spy
I wasn't planning on keeping both Pink girls, but I couldn't let this one go. Pink and Rock of Ages breeding.

Pippin Hill VH Golden Goose
dob 5-15-2022
This is a daughter of Locket and Hero. She is very dairy and angular and open. Looking forward to more Hero kids this next spring.

Pippin Hill NBC Love Notes
dob 4-2-2022
Love Notes, (Love Letter X Chancy) is a very dairy girl, with nice depth at such a young age. She has very nice teat size and placement!

Pippin Hill P Love Potion
dob 5-31-2022
I've got to get a better picture of this beautiful girl. She is an Amore daughter by Pirate. I love her length and width and tight front end assembly.

Pippin Hill ROA Honey Crisp
dob 5-12-2022
Another Pink X Rocky doe. Crisp is very dairy, with open ribbing and a well made rump. Her escutcheon is very high and her nice sized teats are well placed.

Southern Grace UOC
dob 1-17-2023
I don't have a page yet for 2023 does so I'm sticking her here for now. I told myself no new bucks since I am going to be learning AI.... sooo, this ones not a buck!! And how could we go all the way to the Midwest and Not bring back a goat!
Besides you should see her pedigree!
photo credit to Southern Grace